Attorney Todd Nickle is a former prosecutor for both Harris County and Williamson County who now aggressively defends citizens accused of crimes in Travis, Williamson and surrounding counties. Put his experience to work for you; hire a criminal defense lawyer with 15 years of experience in state and federal court. Whether you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony, whether you are an adult or juvenile, Todd Nickle is a criminal defense lawyer with the experience and knowledge to provide you zealous representation and thorough counsel.
100% Criminal Defense
100% of practice devoted to Litigation
U.S. District Court Western District of Texas
St. Mary's University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas
Baylor University, Waco, Texas
Major: Finance
Law Enforcement Training, Williamson County District Attorney, 2003 - 2008
Faculty - Trial Skills, National Advocacy Center, Columbia, SC
Annual Criminal Law Conference, Texas District and County Attorneys Association
Computer Evidence in Criminal Trials, Texas Center for the Judiciary
Confessions, Louisiana District Attorneys Association
Prosecutor of the Year - Williamson County Child Protective Team, 2004
Williamson County Bar Association, Board of Directors - President (2013)
Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Member
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Member
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Member
Austin Bar Association, Member
Texas Bar Foundation, Fellow
Robert W. Calvert American Inn of Court, Barrister, 2011 - 2014
Williamson County District Attorney's Office, Assistant District Attorney, 2003 - 2008
Harris County District Attorney's Office, Assistant District Attorney, 1998 - 2003